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In the heart of Mukuru Kwa Njenga slums, a beacon of faith emerged on January 8th, 2023 – Faith Foundation Family Church. Founded by the visionary leader, Presiding Bishop Fredrick Ondu, this ministry was born out of a divine calling to unite the diverse body of Christ into a familial bond of worship and fellowship.

Presiding Bishop Fredrick Ondu, driven by a profound vision, established the Faith Foundation Family Church in 2022. His inspiration, drawn from Hebrews 11:6 - "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him," became the guiding light for the community that would soon gather around this newfound spiritual haven.

The Church's headquarters, situated amidst the challenges of Mukuru Kwa Njenga slums, became a testament to its commitment to reaching out to those in need and creating a strong community bound by faith. The biblical statement served as the cornerstone, emphasizing the importance of faith in pleasing God and the reward awaiting those who earnestly seek Him.

Vision: Faith Foundation Family Church envisioned creating a strong community, transcending boundaries, and spreading the Savior's gospel throughout the world. It was a call to unite believers under one umbrella, fostering an environment where faith could flourish, transforming lives, and impacting the world with the transformative power of the Gospel.

Mission: The mission of Faith Foundation Family Church was articulated through a commitment to being a life-changing ministry. The threefold approach to fulfilling this mission was outlined as follows:

  1. Believe Together: The congregation, as a united body of Christ, committed to believing and having faith in God through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This belief served as the foundation for individual and collective transformation.
  2. Belong Together: The Church aimed to unite as a body of Christ, coming together in one accord to worship God. This unity extended beyond the confines of the church building, with a mission to spread the gospel and bring people into God's Holy nation as one.
  3. Come Together into the World: The church community saw itself as a beacon sent into the world, proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through both word and deed. This outward focus aimed to fulfill the purposes of the church, contributing to the spiritual transformation of individuals, the community, and the generation at large.

Faith Foundation Family Church, with its roots firmly grounded in faith, community, and transformation, embarked on a journey to glorify God through lives changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As it grew and evolved, the church continued to be a source of hope and inspiration, impacting the lives of those within its walls and beyond the boundaries of Mukuru Kwa Njenga slums.

 A view of Mukuru kwa Njenga Slum


fffckenya@gmail.com /TEL/WhatsApp +254790841002/+254718142121


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