



Greetings Brethren:

“I don’t mean to say I am perfect. I haven’t learned all I should even yet, but I keep working toward that day when I will finally be all that Christ saved me for and wants me to be. No, dear brothers, I am still not all I should be.” Philippians 3:12-13 (TLB)

Humble people are joyful and happy people. They are eager to take corrections and never stop learning and growing. When a humble people are corrected, they take it graciously, not with offence.  On the contrast, prideful people are very miserable people. They are easily offended when corrected. When corrected, they fight back in self-defense. They are always comparing notes to see if they are better off than others. Oh, what a miserable life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Demons are the most miserable of all creatures because of their prideful nature. They are never happy with themselves and with others. There is nothing like joy and happiness within the kingdom of darkness because of their prideful heart. Even when demons and their cohorts are rejoicing, it is all prideful celebrations. If you find yourself constantly being miserable, you may be engulfed in pride(self-pity). Brethren, pride is a deadly trap!!! It keeps us in bondage to ourselves, to demons, to others, and inhibits our spiritual growth in the LORD.

A humble man will be joyful even during unfavorable circumstances. The apostle Paul after his encounter with the Lord Jesus became a truly humble man. When he wrote the above scripture, he was an older man in prison in Rome. He was at the end of his life and was an incredibly mature person. Yet he said he had not arrived. If anybody had the right to say, “I have arrived spiritually,” it would be the guy who wrote so much of the New Testament. But Paul said, “No, I have not arrived. I am still growing, learning, and becoming more like Christ.”

Humility leads to happiness because it makes you teachable. Happiness and humility go together because they cause you to ask, “How can I be a better spouse? How can I be a better friend? How can I be a better boss? How can I be a better follower of Jesus?” When we are not asking these questions, we may be in a backslidden state without knowing it. We may be attending church services and actively participating in our church activities, yet a backslidden believer. You may not be partying and getting drunk or committing sexual sins, but pride stops you from growing. God created us for continuous growth, and it takes humility to acknowledge our gross ignorance and need for knowledge.

May we keep on growing daily and becoming more like our Lord Jesus Christ.

Remain blessed and enjoy a truly humbled week.


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