Our Resolution Plans


As the Faith Foundation Family Church stepped into the year 2024, the leadership, guided by the principles of faith, community, and transformation, set forth a series of resolutions and plans to further the ministry's impact and fulfill its mission. Here are some key resolutions and plans for the year:

1. Strengthening Faith:
  • Launch a comprehensive series of teaching and preaching on deepening faith, exploring key scriptures and spiritual disciplines.
  • Organize faith-building workshops, seminars, and prayer gatherings to foster a stronger connection with God among the congregation.

2. Community Outreach and Impact:
  • Intensify community outreach programs to address the specific needs of Mukuru Kwa Njenga slums, providing assistance in areas such as education, healthcare, and basic necessities.
  • Establish partnerships with local organizations to maximize the impact of outreach initiatives and involve the congregation in hands-on service to the community.

3. Global Gospel Spread:
  • Implement strategies to share the Gospel on a global scale, leveraging digital platforms, social media, and outreach missions.
  • Establish a mission fund to support international missions and partnerships, contributing to the spread of the Gospel beyond the local community.

4. Discipleship and Belonging:
  • Launch a discipleship program to nurture the spiritual growth of individuals within the church, providing mentorship and guidance for personal and collective transformation.
  • Foster a sense of belonging through small group initiatives, encouraging members to connect on a deeper level, share experiences, and support one another in their faith journeys.

5. Worship and Arts Ministry Development:
  • Invest in the development of the worship and arts ministry to enhance the quality of worship experiences within the church.
  • Encourage the congregation's involvement in creative expressions of faith, such as music, drama, and visual arts, fostering a vibrant and diverse worship culture.
6. Technology Integration:
  • Embrace technology for effective communication, virtual engagement, and online outreach.
  • Develop and maintain an interactive church website and social media platforms to connect with the congregation, share resources, and reach a broader audience.
7. Leadership Training and Empowerment:
  • Prioritize leadership development programs to empower current and potential leaders within the church.
  • Establish mentorship programs for emerging leaders, providing guidance and support as they assume greater responsibilities in the ministry.
8. Financial Stewardship:
  • Implement transparent financial stewardship practices, ensuring accountability and wise use of resources.
  • Educate the congregation on the importance of financial stewardship and encourage consistent giving to support the various ministries and outreach initiatives.
9. Family and Marriage Enrichment:
  • Launch programs and workshops focused on strengthening family bonds and promoting healthy marriages.
  • Provide counseling and support services for families facing challenges, reinforcing the church's commitment to being a source of guidance and encouragement.
Through these resolutions and plans, Faith Foundation Family Church aimed to continue its mission of glorifying God through lives changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Each initiative reflected a commitment to faith, community, and transformation, embodying the church's vision to create a strong, united family in Christ and spread the message of salvation throughout the world.

Title: "Building Our Spiritual Home: A Call to Support Faith Foundation Family Church's New Headquarters"

Dear Beloved Members and Supporters of Faith Foundation Family Church,

As we journey into the future, we are excited to share with you a monumental step in the growth of our ministry – the construction of our new church headquarters. This endeavor is not just about erecting physical walls but building a space where the spirit of God can thrive and where the vision given to us by Presiding Bishop Fredrick Ondu can flourish.

The Vision: Our vision, inspired by Hebrews 11:6, is to create a spiritual home that not only pleases God but also becomes a beacon of faith and transformation in Mukuru Kwa Njenga and beyond. This new headquarters will serve as a hub for worship, community engagement, and outreach programs that impact lives and bring about positive change.

Why Now? The exponential growth of our congregation and the increasing impact of our community outreach initiatives have necessitated a larger and more accommodating space. Our current facilities, though filled with the warmth of faith, are limiting our ability to fully realize our vision. We believe that a purpose-built headquarters will not only meet our current needs but will also provide room for future expansion and outreach endeavors.

How You Can Help: Building a church is not the work of one individual but the collective effort of a community bound by faith. We are reaching out to you, our cherished members, friends, and supporters, to appeal for your generous contributions and support. Your financial support will directly contribute to the construction of our new church headquarters and the realization of our mission.

Ways to Contribute:

  1. One-Time Donations: Any amount, big or small, will make a significant impact. Every contribution is a step toward making our vision a reality.
  2. Monthly Pledges: Consider making a monthly commitment to support the construction project. Regular contributions will provide stability and ensure the steady progress of the construction.
  3. In-Kind Contributions: If you have skills, materials, or resources that can contribute to the construction, we welcome your in-kind donations.
  4. Prayers: We value the power of prayer. Pray for the success of this project, for God's guidance in the construction process, and for the continued impact of our ministry.

Our Commitment to Transparency: We understand the importance of transparency and accountability in matters of financial stewardship. Rest assured that every contribution will be handled with the utmost integrity, and regular updates on the progress of the construction will be shared with the entire congregation.

Let us come together as one family, united in faith, to build a home where God's presence dwells, transforming lives and communities. Your support is not just a donation; it is an investment in the spiritual growth of individuals and the collective impact of Faith Foundation Family Church.

Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to the vision and mission of our beloved church.

 "Empowering Women: Faith Foundation Family Church's 2024 Plans and Resolutions"

As we embark on the journey of the new year, we are excited to share with you our plans and resolutions for 2024, particularly focusing on the empowerment and engagement of women within our church community. Recognizing the vital role women play in the life of our church, we are committed to fostering an environment where every woman feels valued, empowered, and equipped to fulfill her God-given purpose.

1. Women's Empowerment Workshops:

  • Implement a series of workshops addressing topics such as leadership development, spiritual growth, financial stewardship, and personal wellness.
  • Provide a platform for women to share their experiences and insights, fostering a sense of community and mutual support.

2. Mentorship Programs:

  • Launch mentorship programs pairing experienced women in the church with those seeking guidance and support in their personal and spiritual journeys.
  • Create opportunities for intergenerational connections, allowing the transfer of wisdom, skills, and encouragement.

3. Women's Bible Study Groups:

  • Establish and encourage the formation of small Bible study groups exclusively for women, providing a space for in-depth study, discussion, and fellowship.
  • Incorporate relevant biblical teachings that address the unique challenges and joys experienced by women.

4. Celebrating Women's Achievements:

  • Highlight and celebrate the achievements and contributions of women within the church through special events, recognition ceremonies, and publications.
  • Encourage women to share their testimonies, showcasing the diverse ways they serve and impact the church and community.

5. Leadership Opportunities:

  • Actively identify and cultivate leadership potential among women within the church.
  • Provide training and resources to equip women for leadership roles in various ministries, encouraging their active participation in decision-making processes.

6. Women's Retreats and Conferences:

  • Organize retreats and conferences specifically tailored to address the spiritual, emotional, and practical needs of women.
  • Invite inspirational speakers and leaders to share insights and experiences that will inspire and uplift our female members.

7. Support for Women in Need:

  • Establish a support system for women facing challenges, including financial hardship, health issues, or other personal struggles.
  • Encourage the church community to rally around and provide assistance to women in times of need.

8. Family and Parenting Seminars:

  • Offer seminars focusing on family dynamics, parenting, and marriage enrichment to support women in their roles as wives and mothers.
  • Create a forum for open discussions on navigating the complexities of family life in today's world.

Our Commitment: These resolutions reflect our commitment to recognizing, celebrating, and empowering the women of Faith Foundation Family Church. We believe that by investing in the well-being and growth of our female members, we strengthen the entire body of Christ.

May this year be one of continued growth, empowerment, and blessings for each woman within our church family.

 "Igniting Faith in the Next Generation: Faith Foundation Family Church's 2024 Plans and Resolutions for Youth"

Dear Youth and Supporters of Faith Foundation Family Church,

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, we are thrilled to unveil our plans and resolutions for 2024, focused on the vibrant and vital segment of our church—the youth. At Faith Foundation Family Church, we recognize the unique gifts, energy, and potential within our youth community. Our commitment is to provide an environment where young hearts are ignited with faith, purpose, and a passion for serving the Lord.

1. Youth Discipleship Programs:

  • Launch comprehensive discipleship programs designed specifically for our youth, emphasizing spiritual growth, biblical understanding, and personal development.
  • Foster mentorship relationships between experienced leaders and youth members, encouraging a transfer of wisdom and guidance.

2. Dynamic Youth Services:

  • Design and implement engaging youth services that resonate with the unique needs and interests of our young members.
  • Incorporate contemporary worship styles, relevant teachings, and interactive elements to create a dynamic and inspiring worship experience.

3. Youth-Led Initiatives:

  • Encourage and empower youth to take on leadership roles in various church ministries and events.
  • Support and facilitate youth-led initiatives, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility within the church community.

4. Life Skills and Leadership Training:

  • Provide practical life skills and leadership training for youth, preparing them for the challenges and opportunities they will encounter in their educational, professional, and personal lives.
  • Offer workshops on topics such as time management, financial stewardship, and effective communication.

5. Youth Fellowship and Small Groups:

  • Establish youth fellowship groups and small groups to cultivate a sense of community, friendship, and support.
  • Create environments where youth can openly discuss their faith, share experiences, and build lasting connections.

6. Missions and Outreach Projects:

  • Engage youth in local and global outreach projects, instilling a sense of social responsibility and compassion.
  • Provide opportunities for youth to actively participate in mission trips, community service, and outreach initiatives that make a positive impact.

7. Technology Integration:

  • Leverage technology to connect with and engage the tech-savvy youth demographic.
  • Develop and maintain an interactive online platform for youth activities, communication, and resource-sharing.

8. Youth Events and Retreats:

  • Organize youth-specific events, retreats, and conferences that cater to the spiritual, social, and recreational needs of our young members.
  • Invite dynamic speakers and leaders to inspire and mentor our youth community.

Our Commitment: Faith Foundation Family Church is committed to providing an atmosphere where the youth can thrive spiritually, personally, and socially. We believe that by investing in the next generation, we are sowing seeds that will bear fruit for years to come.

May this year be a time of growth, discovery, and deepening faith for each young member of our church family

Expanding Our Faith: Faith Foundation Family Church's 2024 Plans and Resolutions for Growth and Church Planting"

Dear Beloved Members and Supporters of Faith Foundation Family Church,

As we step into the year 2024, we are filled with anticipation and excitement about the journey that lies ahead. This year, we are focusing on expanding our faith, both spiritually and physically, as we embark on a mission of growth, church planting, and increasing the number of Faith Foundation Family Church branches.

1. Church Expansion:

  • Develop a comprehensive plan for the expansion of our current church facilities, ensuring that we can accommodate the growing number of members and visitors.
  • Explore opportunities to enhance existing infrastructure and create welcoming spaces for worship, fellowship, and community engagement.

2. Church Planting Initiatives:

  • Identify strategic locations for church planting initiatives, both locally and potentially in other regions.
  • Form church planting teams to assess the needs and opportunities in target areas and establish new Faith Foundation Family Church branches.

3. Training and Equipping Leaders:

  • Invest in the training and equipping of leaders who will spearhead church planting efforts.
  • Provide resources, mentorship, and support for leaders to ensure the successful establishment and growth of new branches.

4. Community Engagement Programs:

  • Develop community engagement programs to connect with the residents of potential church planting locations.
  • Conduct outreach events, social initiatives, and service projects to build relationships and introduce the values of Faith Foundation Family Church to the broader community.

5. Collaborative Partnerships:
  • Seek collaborative partnerships with local organizations, businesses, and other churches to support church planting endeavors.
  • Explore synergies that can amplify the impact of our community outreach and engagement efforts.

6. Online Presence and Outreach:

  • Enhance our online presence to reach a wider audience and connect with individuals who may be interested in joining our church community.
  • Leverage digital platforms for virtual outreach, live streaming of services, and engagement with the online community.

7. Prayer and Seeking God's Guidance:

  • Dedicate specific times of prayer for guidance and wisdom as we pursue church expansion and planting.
  • Seek God's direction in every decision, trusting that He will lead us to the right locations and open doors for the establishment of new church branches.

8. Financial Stewardship and Fundraising:

  • Implement sound financial stewardship practices to ensure the wise use of resources in church expansion and planting.
  • Conduct targeted fundraising campaigns to support the financial needs associated with establishing and maintaining new church branches.

Our Commitment: Faith Foundation Family Church is committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by spreading the message of Christ's love to new communities. Through these plans and resolutions, we believe we can impact more lives, strengthen our church family, and continue to be a source of hope and transformation.

May the Lord guide us in this exciting journey of growth and expansion

"Spreading the Light: Faith Foundation Family Church's 2024 Plans and Resolutions for Church Evangelism"

Dear Members and Supporters of Faith Foundation Family Church,

As we embark on a new year, our hearts are filled with zeal and determination to continue the sacred task of spreading the Good News. Evangelism is at the core of our mission, and in 2024, we are committed to intensifying our efforts to reach hearts, transform lives, and build the Kingdom of God. Here are our plans and resolutions for church evangelism this year:

1. Comprehensive Evangelism Training:

  • Initiate regular training sessions to equip our members with effective evangelism tools and strategies.
  • Focus on the practical aspects of sharing one's faith, engaging in meaningful conversations, and addressing common questions and concerns.

2. Personalized Evangelism Action Plans:

  • Encourage each member to develop a personalized evangelism action plan, identifying specific ways they can share the Gospel in their daily lives.
  • Provide resources and support to help individuals overcome barriers and fears associated with evangelism.

3. Community Outreach Events:

  • Organize targeted community outreach events to connect with people who may not be part of any church community.
  • Offer practical services, such as health clinics, food drives, and educational workshops, as a means to build relationships and share the love of Christ.

4. Street Evangelism Teams:

  • Establish street evangelism teams to engage with people in public spaces, distributing literature, praying for needs, and engaging in conversations about faith.
  • Train teams to approach evangelism with sensitivity and respect for diverse backgrounds and beliefs.

5. Digital Evangelism Campaigns:

  • Leverage online platforms and social media to reach a broader audience with the Gospel message.
  • Launch targeted digital evangelism campaigns, including sharing testimonies, live streaming services, and engaging in conversations on various online platforms.

6. Evangelistic Events and Crusades:

  • Organize evangelistic events, crusades, and revivals to create opportunities for individuals to encounter the transformative power of the Gospel.
  • Invite dynamic speakers and evangelists to share inspiring messages that draw people to Christ.

7. Follow-Up and Discipleship:

  • Establish a systematic follow-up and discipleship process for individuals who express interest in the Gospel or attend church events.
  • Provide resources and support for new believers to deepen their understanding of faith and integrate into the church community.

8. Prayer for Open Hearts:

  • Dedicate regular times of corporate and personal prayer for the softening of hearts and the opening of doors for effective evangelism.
  • Trust in the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead us to individuals and communities ready to receive the Gospel.

Our Commitment: Faith Foundation Family Church is committed to being a light in the world, sharing the message of hope, love, and salvation found in Jesus Christ. Through intentional and prayerful evangelism, we aim to impact lives and communities, drawing people into a transformative relationship with God.

May the Lord bless our efforts and use us as instruments of His grace in this vital mission.


"Financial Stewardship for Kingdom Impact: Faith Foundation Family Church's 2024 Plans and Resolutions"

Dear Faith Foundation Family Church Members and Supporters,

As we embark on the journey of the new year, we are excited to share our plans and resolutions for 2024, with a focus on increasing our financial resources for the advancement of God's Kingdom. Sound financial stewardship is crucial for the effective execution of our mission, and we are committed to enhancing our financial capacity for greater impact. Here are our plans and resolutions:

1. Transparent Financial Communication:

  • Implement regular and transparent communication about the church's financial status, budget allocation, and the impact of donations.
  • Provide financial updates through various channels, including newsletters, church meetings, and our online platforms.

2. Diversification of Revenue Streams:

  • Explore and implement new revenue-generating initiatives that align with our mission and values.
  • Consider opportunities for income generation, such as merchandise sales, online resources, and partnerships with local businesses.

3. Generosity Campaigns:

  • Launch targeted generosity campaigns to inspire and encourage members to increase their giving.
  • Communicate the specific projects and ministries that financial contributions will support, fostering a sense of ownership and purpose among donors.

4. Financial Education Programs:

  • Offer financial literacy programs to equip members with practical skills for budgeting, debt management, and wise financial decision-making.
  • Empower individuals to make informed and responsible financial contributions to the church.

5. Increased Online Giving Options:

  • Enhance and promote online giving options to cater to the preferences of the digital-savvy members.
  • Provide a user-friendly online platform for secure and convenient donations.

6. Strategic Fundraising Events:

  • Plan and execute strategic fundraising events throughout the year to engage the congregation and community.
  • Align fundraising events with specific needs and projects, creating a sense of purpose and urgency.

7. Grant Applications and Partnerships:

  • Identify potential grant opportunities and partnerships with organizations that share our mission and values.
  • Develop grant proposals and partnership agreements to secure additional financial support for specific projects or initiatives.

8. Financial Accountability Team:

  • Establish a financial accountability team to oversee budget management, financial reporting, and adherence to best practices.
  • Regularly review financial processes to ensure transparency, efficiency, and compliance with legal standards.

9. Fasting and Prayer for Financial Breakthrough:

  • Dedicate specific times of corporate fasting and prayer for financial breakthrough and provision.
  • Seek God's guidance and favor in our financial endeavors, trusting in His abundance to meet the needs of the church.

Our Commitment: Faith Foundation Family Church is committed to being faithful stewards of the resources entrusted to us. By implementing these plans and resolutions, we aim to create a strong financial foundation that empowers us to fulfill our mission and impact lives for the glory of God.

May the Lord bless our financial endeavors and use them to advance His Kingdom.


Title: "Nurturing Young Hearts: Faith Foundation Family Church's 2024 Resolutions for Sunday School Children"

Dear Faith Foundation Family Church Members,

As we enter the new year, we are excited to unveil our resolutions for 2024, with a special focus on our beloved Sunday School children. Our commitment to their spiritual growth, education, and well-being remains steadfast, and we are eager to create an environment where their young hearts can flourish. Here are our resolutions for Sunday School children in 2024:

1. Enriching Curriculum:

  • Enhance and diversify the Sunday School curriculum to provide a rich and engaging learning experience for our children.
  • Incorporate interactive activities, age-appropriate discussions, and creative expression to make the teachings of the Bible come alive.

2. Empowering Teachers:

  • Invest in training and development programs for our Sunday School teachers to equip them with effective teaching methods and child-centric approaches.
  • Foster a supportive environment that encourages creativity and passion in our teachers as they guide our children on their spiritual journey.

3. Digital Learning Initiatives:

  • Integrate technology into Sunday School lessons to make learning more interactive and aligned with the digital world our children are growing up in.
  • Explore educational apps, online resources, and virtual experiences that supplement our traditional teaching methods.

4. Regular Parent-Teacher Communication:

  • Establish consistent communication channels between Sunday School teachers and parents to share insights into children's progress, upcoming lessons, and any special events.
  • Encourage parents to actively participate in their children's spiritual education and provide resources to support learning at home.

5. Creative Worship Opportunities:

  • Create special worship experiences tailored to the unique needs and interests of our Sunday School children.
  • Encourage their active participation in worship services and events, nurturing a sense of belonging within the larger church community.

6. Building a Supportive Community:

  • Facilitate regular gatherings and events that foster connections among Sunday School children, helping them build friendships centered around faith.
  • Create mentorship opportunities within the church community to provide additional support and guidance for our young learners.

7. Family Involvement Days:

  • Organize special days throughout the year where families can actively participate in Sunday School activities, creating an inclusive and community-oriented environment.
  • Foster a sense of unity between parents and children as they engage together in learning and worship.

8. Outreach Initiatives:

  • Instill a sense of compassion and service in our Sunday School children by involving them in age-appropriate outreach and community service projects.
  • Teach them the importance of putting their faith into action through acts of kindness and charity.

Our Commitment: At Faith Foundation Family Church, we view our Sunday School as a cornerstone of spiritual growth for our children. These resolutions reflect our commitment to providing a nurturing, enriching, and faith-filled environment where our young ones can encounter God's love and develop a strong foundation for their faith journey.

May this year be marked by joy, growth, and spiritual discovery for our Sunday School children.

In His love, 

Title: "Guided by Vision: Faith Foundation Family Church's 2024 Plans and Resolutions for Our Presiding Bishop"

Dear Faith Foundation Family Church Members,

As we step into the promising year of 2024, it is with great enthusiasm and reverence that we present our plans and resolutions concerning our esteemed Presiding Bishop, Fredrick Ondu. His leadership, vision, and unwavering commitment to the spiritual growth of our church have been instrumental in shaping our community. Here are our resolutions for our Presiding Bishop in the coming year:

1. Spiritual Nourishment and Growth:

  • Prioritize the spiritual well-being of our Presiding Bishop through regular moments of personal reflection, prayer, and spiritual retreats.
  • Provide opportunities for continued theological study and enrichment to deepen his understanding of God's Word.

2. Health and Well-being:

  • Encourage and support a holistic approach to health, including physical exercise, rest, and healthy lifestyle choices.
  • Foster a church culture that values and prioritizes the well-being of our beloved Presiding Bishop.

3. Leadership Development:

  • Facilitate ongoing leadership development programs to equip our Presiding Bishop with the tools necessary for effective shepherding and strategic decision-making.
  • Encourage mentorship relationships that provide guidance and wisdom from seasoned leaders within and outside our church community.

4. Clear Communication Channels:

  • Enhance communication channels between our Presiding Bishop and the church community, ensuring transparency, accessibility, and clarity in all matters.
  • Implement regular updates, messages, and opportunities for Q&A sessions to foster a deeper connection between our leader and the congregation.

5. Supportive Pastoral Care:

  • Establish a pastoral care team to provide emotional and spiritual support to our Presiding Bishop.
  • Recognize the unique challenges of leadership and ensure a network of support that encourages vulnerability and mutual care.

6. Collaborative Decision-Making:

  • Foster a collaborative decision-making process, involving key leaders and representatives from the church community in significant matters.
  • Seek input, feedback, and perspectives to ensure decisions align with the collective vision and values of Faith Foundation Family Church.

7. Recognition and Appreciation:

  • Celebrate and recognize the achievements and milestones of our Presiding Bishop throughout the year.
  • Create moments of appreciation and gratitude to express the church's recognition of his dedicated service.

8. Encouraging Rest and Sabbath:

  • Encourage and facilitate times of rest, sabbatical, and periods of rejuvenation for our Presiding Bishop.
  • Acknowledge the importance of self-care to ensure sustained spiritual leadership and vitality.

9. Community Engagement:

  • Foster engagement between our Presiding Bishop and the broader community, allowing him to connect with various members, understand their needs, and build bridges of compassion.

Our Commitment: As a church, we commit to supporting and uplifting our Presiding Bishop, recognizing the weight of responsibility that comes with spiritual leadership. May this year be one of growth, mutual support, and shared vision as we journey together under the guidance of our beloved leader.

In His service,


 Title: "Stewarding God's Blessings: Faith Foundation Family Church's 2024 Plans and Resolutions for Property and Assets"

Dear Faith Foundation Family Church Members,

As we embark on the new year, we are excited to share our plans and resolutions for 2024, specifically focused on the responsible stewardship of our property and assets. These valuable resources are entrusted to us by God, and our commitment is to manage them with wisdom and purpose. Here are our resolutions for the care and growth of Faith Foundation Family Church's property and assets:

1. Property Maintenance and Enhancement:

  • Implement a comprehensive maintenance plan to ensure that our church facilities remain safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Identify opportunities for enhancements or renovations that align with the needs of our growing congregation and community outreach programs.

2. Asset Inventory and Evaluation:

  • Conduct a thorough inventory and evaluation of all church assets, including technological equipment, furniture, and vehicles.
  • Determine the condition, depreciation, and potential for upgrades or replacements to optimize the efficiency of our resources.

3. Financial Planning for Property Development:

  • Develop a strategic financial plan for potential property development, expansion, or acquisition.
  • Explore possibilities for maximizing the use of existing properties and assets to support the church's mission and vision.

4. Environmental Stewardship:

  • Integrate environmentally sustainable practices in the management and maintenance of our properties.
  • Explore opportunities for energy efficiency, waste reduction, and eco-friendly initiatives that align with our commitment to responsible stewardship.

5. Technology Integration for Asset Management:

  • Utilize modern technology and software solutions for streamlined asset management, including maintenance schedules, tracking, and reporting.
  • Ensure that technological assets are up-to-date and effectively support our ministry activities.

6. Security Measures:

  • Enhance security measures to safeguard our properties and assets.
  • Invest in advanced security systems, training for security personnel, and collaborative efforts with local authorities to ensure a safe environment for worship and community engagement.

7. Financial Accountability and Transparency:

  • Maintain a high standard of financial accountability and transparency in all matters related to property and assets.
  • Regularly communicate updates on financial status, property developments, and asset management to the church community.

8. Legacy Planning:

  • Establish a legacy planning committee to explore long-term strategies for the preservation and growth of our properties and assets.
  • Develop plans that ensure the sustainability of our assets for future generations and in alignment with the ongoing mission of Faith Foundation Family Church.

Our Commitment: At Faith Foundation Family Church, we recognize that our properties and assets are vital tools for fulfilling God's mission. With these resolutions, we affirm our commitment to responsible stewardship, strategic planning, and a vision that looks beyond the present, ensuring that our resources continue to bless the community and glorify God for years to come.

May this year be marked by wise decisions, fruitful planning, and the continued growth of our church through the faithful stewardship of our properties and assets.

In His service,


 Title: "Harmony in Administration: Faith Foundation Family Church's 2024 Plans and Resolutions by the Secretary General"

Dear Faith Foundation Family Church Members,

As we embark on the journey of the new year, I am honored to present our plans and resolutions for 2024 as the Secretary General of Faith Foundation Family Church. It is my commitment to ensure efficient administration, clear communication, and effective organization. Here are our plans and resolutions for the coming year:

1. Improved Administrative Systems:

  • Implement streamlined administrative processes to enhance efficiency and reduce unnecessary bureaucracy.
  • Invest in updated technology and software solutions to facilitate smoother communication and data management within the church.

2. Enhanced Communication Channels:

  • Establish clear and consistent communication channels for disseminating important information, updates, and announcements to the entire church community.
  • Utilize various platforms, including digital communication tools, newsletters, and social media, to keep everyone informed.

3. Comprehensive Record-Keeping:

  • Overhaul and modernize our record-keeping systems to ensure accuracy, accessibility, and transparency.
  • Maintain meticulous records of church membership, financial transactions, and other vital information.

4. Training and Development for Church Staff:

  • Initiate training programs for church staff and volunteers to enhance their administrative skills and foster a culture of excellence.
  • Encourage continuous learning and professional development within the administrative team.

5. Collaborative Decision-Making:

  • Facilitate collaborative decision-making processes by actively involving relevant stakeholders in key administrative decisions.
  • Ensure transparency and inclusivity in decision-making to strengthen unity within the church community.

6. Event Coordination and Planning:

  • Oversee the planning and coordination of church events, ensuring they align with the church's mission and vision.
  • Establish a comprehensive events calendar to provide clarity and assist in effective resource allocation.

7. Volunteer Recruitment and Appreciation:

  • Develop strategies for recruiting and retaining dedicated volunteers to support various administrative tasks.
  • Implement initiatives to appreciate and recognize the contributions of volunteers, fostering a sense of belonging and fulfillment.

8. Crisis Preparedness and Risk Management:

  • Develop and implement comprehensive crisis preparedness and risk management plans to address unforeseen challenges effectively.
  • Establish protocols for handling emergencies and contingencies to ensure the safety and well-being of the church community.

9. Sustainable Growth Strategies:

  • Work closely with church leadership to develop sustainable growth strategies, including expansion plans, financial stability, and community outreach efforts.
  • Ensure that administrative decisions align with the overarching goals of Faith Foundation Family Church.

Our Commitment: As Secretary General, I am committed to fostering a harmonious and well-organized environment within our church. Through these plans and resolutions, we aim to create a foundation for effective administration that supports the overall mission of Faith Foundation Family Church.

May this year be marked by smooth operations, enhanced communication, and the continued growth of our church community.

In service and dedication,


Title: "Guided by His Grace: Faith Foundation Family Church's 2024 Plans and Resolutions by the Pastors"

Dear Faith Foundation Family Church Members,

As we embark on the journey of the new year, we, the Pastors of Faith Foundation Family Church, are excited to share our plans and resolutions for 2024. It is our collective mission to guide, inspire, and nurture the spiritual growth of our church family. Here are our plans and resolutions for the coming year:

1. Spiritual Enrichment and Leadership Retreats:

  • Schedule regular spiritual enrichment sessions and leadership retreats for pastors to deepen our relationship with God and strengthen our leadership skills.
  • Create a space for reflection, prayer, and unity to align our hearts with God's purposes for Faith Foundation Family Church.

2. Comprehensive Pastoral Training:

  • Develop and implement a comprehensive pastoral training program to equip pastors with the tools needed for effective ministry.
  • Provide ongoing education on pastoral care, counseling, and relevant theological topics.

3. Cultivating Vibrant Worship Experiences:

  • Collaborate with worship teams to create vibrant and spiritually enriching worship experiences during services.
  • Explore creative elements that resonate with the congregation and foster a deeper connection with God.

4. Personalized Pastoral Care:

  • Enhance our pastoral care initiatives to ensure that every member of the church feels seen, heard, and cared for.
  • Implement a system for regular check-ins, visitations, and support for those facing challenges.

5. Community Outreach and Engagement:

  • Lead and actively participate in community outreach initiatives, seeking ways to serve and impact the local community.
  • Encourage church members to engage in outreach activities that reflect Christ's love to those in need.

6. Youth and Young Adult Ministry Focus:

  • Invest in the growth and development of youth and young adult ministries.
  • Create relevant programs and events that address the unique needs and challenges of these age groups.

7. Emphasizing Discipleship:

  • Prioritize intentional discipleship programs that encourage spiritual growth and maturity among church members.
  • Establish mentorship relationships to guide individuals in their faith journey.

8. Effective Communication Channels:

  • Improve communication channels to ensure that members are well-informed about church activities, events, and important updates.
  • Utilize digital platforms, newsletters, and church announcements for clear and timely communication.

9. Collaborative Decision-Making:

  • Foster a culture of collaboration and inclusivity in decision-making processes.
  • Seek input from church leaders, ministries, and members to ensure decisions align with the church's collective vision.

10. Personal and Professional Development:

  • Prioritize personal and professional development for pastors.
  • Attend conferences, engage in ongoing education, and seek opportunities for growth to better serve the congregation.

Our Commitment: As pastors of Faith Foundation Family Church, our commitment is to shepherd the flock with love, humility, and dedication. These plans and resolutions reflect our deep desire to see our church family thrive, grow, and be transformed by God's grace.

May this year be marked by His guidance, abundant blessings, and the continued flourishing of Faith Foundation Family Church.

In His service,

[Your Names] Faith Foundation Family Church Pastors


In His service,

Bishop Fredrick Ondu

Bishop/General Overseer

Faith Foundation Family Church


fffckenya@gmail.com /TEL/WhatsApp +254790841002/+254718142121


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